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The most important plank of our strategy is getting out to our neighbors door-to-door and spreading the word about how important Issue 19 is to everyone in Worthington. If we can get 25 volunteers, it will be the smallest of lifts for us together – about 1 hour/week throughout the election season. If you are interested, please sign up below and we will be in touch to get you materials (door hangers and the like) and show you how easy it is to make a difference in your own neighborhoods.




We will have yard signs for “Vote Yes on Issue 19” within the next few weeks! Yard signs are a very important part of our visibility campaign and to get the word out to those who otherwise may not be paying attention, that something big in Worthington is happening on the ballot. If you’d like a yard sign, sign up and we’ll bring one to your house. No real work on your part!

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Door hangers, signs, Facebook ads – none of it is free. Without the financial ability to execute our strategy, we won’t be able to spread the word as effectively. If you are able, a donation to “Friends of Worthington Pools” in any amount is a very effective way of showing your support. Not sure how much to donate? Consider $70 to celebrate the 70 years of Worthingon Pools. You can donate via PayPal, or send a check to Friends of Worthington Pools, 400 W. Dublin Granville Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085 made out to “Friends of Worthington Pools,” and your donation will be very appreciated by the future generations of residents.

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